Standing Witness to Our Children Experiencing Life
A little food for thought from this teacher, mother, and yogi.... For some reason, too many parents in my generation have gotten the message that our job is to prevent our kids from experiencing consequences, that our job is to help make things better for them always -- seeking to prevent them from experiencing any punishment, loss or a bad feeling. And of course, I understand that we want them to be happy. But is it really because we are uncomfortable? What type of lessons are we teaching them about the world if we don't allow ourselves to be uncomfortable? Based on my years of learning with Dr. Shefali, I am continually learning that parenting is the opportunity to grow. Why do so many parents do whatever they can to prevent children from any consequences? Do their kids' homework, lie for them so they won't be punished? Do we try to prevent consequences because it makes us feel bad? Consequences are just natural and when we allow our loved ones to experience the natu...